Effortless framework for

Get more meetings and clients on autopilot
Discover a unique 3-step-method that books qualified appointments without effort in any industry.
Attract the right prospects via unique marketing campaigns

Fully automated dashboard with WhatsApp & email automations

Leads that have been qualified by professional sales experts

"Our innovative 3-step framework enhances and streamlines your marketing and sales processes for maximum efficiency and growth."

"Founded in 2018, Rocket Leads began with Roy's realization that there had to be a more efficient way to generate high-quality leads. While cold calling tirelessly every day at a Spanish tech company, Roy became convinced there was a better solution. This conviction marked the beginning of his journey with Rocket Leads."

marketing & sales
critera for a lead
Designed to help you scale
Dennis van Thoor
CEO, DVT Online Marketing

Esther Misi
Co-founder, Logent
Maikel van Breugel
Founder, 5M Media
Hans de Kok
CEO, Qmaze
Sem IJdema
Founder, Advance Media